All Alone
I'm falling I'm brawling to surviveI'm calling but they're ignoring to help save my life
Desperately out of strife
I scream I've fallen and I can't get up
Discouraged and stuck up
I try doing it on my own
That's why I'm falling all alone I'm perspiring I'm trying to finish this race
It's tiring I feel like retiring but I keep my pace
With sweat on my face
I spit on the ground
On this track I go around
Breathing heavy I raise my tone
Why oh God must I run all alone Keep your lives free
From the love of money
And be content
With what you have
Because God has said
"Never will I leave thee
Never will I forsake thee."
So we say with confidence
"The Lord is my helper
And I will not be afraid
What can man do to me?"
Hebrews 13:5-6